Warning - Warning - Warning
Highly dangerous experiments! If you do not have the experience or the proper safeties, do not attempt.

25-30 Liters Of HHO Gas Melting Clay Dirt 5-15-2013
Published on May 18, 2013
HHO Gas 25 - 30 Liters Melting Clay Dirt 5-15-2013
Published on May 18, 2013
HHO Gas 25 - 30 Liters Melting Clay Dirt 5-15-2013

HHO Gas Melting a Copper Pipe and a Nickel Together
Published on Oct 9, 2012
HHO Gas Melting a Copper Pipe and a Nickel Together 10-8-2012
I decided to play around for a little with my HHO Gas torch after working hard installing my updates to the hot water system that will be heat my basement, main floor and upstairs.
I have been working hard installing a hot water tank to my boiler system and relocating cast iron radiators in the basement to supplement the use of natural gas. Hot water tanks consume less natural gas than the actual boiler system. My actual boiler system consumes more natural gas because there is no reserve tank for hot water. Without a reserve tank the actual boiler system it has to use a lot of flames to heat the water when the system cools down and has to be reheated. I spoke with solid on the telephone in this individual told me that he knows someone Retrofitted a forced air furnace with hot water coils just above the central air-conditioning coils. hot water radiator coils inside the forced air furnace is used for heating the entire home using less energy. When the home or business needs heat the pump comes on circulates the hot water and the blower fan moves the heat without the massive flame being used in the actual forced air furnace.
Published on Oct 9, 2012
HHO Gas Melting a Copper Pipe and a Nickel Together 10-8-2012
I decided to play around for a little with my HHO Gas torch after working hard installing my updates to the hot water system that will be heat my basement, main floor and upstairs.
I have been working hard installing a hot water tank to my boiler system and relocating cast iron radiators in the basement to supplement the use of natural gas. Hot water tanks consume less natural gas than the actual boiler system. My actual boiler system consumes more natural gas because there is no reserve tank for hot water. Without a reserve tank the actual boiler system it has to use a lot of flames to heat the water when the system cools down and has to be reheated. I spoke with solid on the telephone in this individual told me that he knows someone Retrofitted a forced air furnace with hot water coils just above the central air-conditioning coils. hot water radiator coils inside the forced air furnace is used for heating the entire home using less energy. When the home or business needs heat the pump comes on circulates the hot water and the blower fan moves the heat without the massive flame being used in the actual forced air furnace.

HHO Gas High Pressure High Output
Rigid Pipe Bending 9-17-2012
Published on Sep 18, 2012
HHO Gas High Pressure High Output Rigid Pipe Bending 9-17-2012
Water is the FUEL ONLY
Rigid Pipe Bending 9-17-2012
Published on Sep 18, 2012
HHO Gas High Pressure High Output Rigid Pipe Bending 9-17-2012
Water is the FUEL ONLY

1-20-2014 HHO Gas Technology LLC New Natural Gas Heating System For The Garage/Shop
Published on Jan 20, 2014
This video was filmed from a Galaxy 3 cell phone. 1-20-2014
We are showing that we have a New heating system and the heater is called Mr. Heater Big Max 80,000 BTU system In the Two-story Garage/Shop. Insulation is going to be installed. In this video we show the different commercial grade HHO Gas machines. We have machines that produce HHO gas starting at 300 L per hour all the way up to 10,200 L per hour.
Published on Jan 20, 2014
This video was filmed from a Galaxy 3 cell phone. 1-20-2014
We are showing that we have a New heating system and the heater is called Mr. Heater Big Max 80,000 BTU system In the Two-story Garage/Shop. Insulation is going to be installed. In this video we show the different commercial grade HHO Gas machines. We have machines that produce HHO gas starting at 300 L per hour all the way up to 10,200 L per hour.

Successful Test 2 HHO Gas Confetti Blaster Canon with Mylar Membrane 12-10-2013
Published on Dec 10, 2013
Successful Test 2 HHO Gas Confetti Blaster Canon with Mylar Membrane.
Metro City Church that was called Metro South Church last year will not be having New Year's 2013-2014 at all due to lack of participation for the Entire Event. This means we will not be doing HHO Gas Confetti Cannons this year at the church.
Published on Dec 10, 2013
Successful Test 2 HHO Gas Confetti Blaster Canon with Mylar Membrane.
Metro City Church that was called Metro South Church last year will not be having New Year's 2013-2014 at all due to lack of participation for the Entire Event. This means we will not be doing HHO Gas Confetti Cannons this year at the church.

35 years old motor Hot Water Boiler System with a Standalone hot water tank assist
Published on Nov 7, 2013
Hot water Boiler System with a attached standalone hot water tank separate from the home hot water tank for bathing and showering. I am looking to get a stronger pump that can handle the reduction of the 3/4 pipe coming off the hot water tank to have more pull power and more head pressure off the pump to move water at the same speed or a little faster. Some of the main return is being diverted Into the hot water tank reduces the output pressure speed out of hot water transferring throughout the house. I am planning on trying to get 50% or 65% to go through the hot water tank and the remainder go through the existing return into the boiler pump entering into the boiler. I am planning on doing hot water forced air heating in my garage 22 foot wide by 50 foot long two stories and I need Idea options for heat exchangers to do the job.
While you are looking at the crazy piping assembly this was done with an HHO Gas torch. This is a water torch that performed the soldering on the plumbing. HHO Gas is water through electrolysis produces pure hydrogen and oxygen gas that was used to do the soldering job on the pipes.
Published on Nov 7, 2013
Hot water Boiler System with a attached standalone hot water tank separate from the home hot water tank for bathing and showering. I am looking to get a stronger pump that can handle the reduction of the 3/4 pipe coming off the hot water tank to have more pull power and more head pressure off the pump to move water at the same speed or a little faster. Some of the main return is being diverted Into the hot water tank reduces the output pressure speed out of hot water transferring throughout the house. I am planning on trying to get 50% or 65% to go through the hot water tank and the remainder go through the existing return into the boiler pump entering into the boiler. I am planning on doing hot water forced air heating in my garage 22 foot wide by 50 foot long two stories and I need Idea options for heat exchangers to do the job.
While you are looking at the crazy piping assembly this was done with an HHO Gas torch. This is a water torch that performed the soldering on the plumbing. HHO Gas is water through electrolysis produces pure hydrogen and oxygen gas that was used to do the soldering job on the pipes.

Energy Saver-New High Output Pump for a 40 year old Boiler System with a STAND ALONE HOT WATER TANK
Published on Nov 2, 2013
Energy Saver-New High Output Pump for a 40 year old Boiler System with a STAND ALONE HOT WATER TANK.
I have added a hot water tank stand alone to work along with the boiler system and now the new pump will make a big difference pulling and pushing from the hot water tank working together with the boiler. This new pump is going to make a difference because its not going to have to wait to heat water on the fly its going to have hot water instantly to quickly heat the house. Here is the youtube link that you will be able to see the setup process and the first firing up the new motor here is the link to the YouTube website where you can see the first set up an startup process of the new pump. www.youtube.com/user/pjckac1/videos The first test Run was hot water tank heating the house only 11-1-2013
Published on Nov 2, 2013
Energy Saver-New High Output Pump for a 40 year old Boiler System with a STAND ALONE HOT WATER TANK.
I have added a hot water tank stand alone to work along with the boiler system and now the new pump will make a big difference pulling and pushing from the hot water tank working together with the boiler. This new pump is going to make a difference because its not going to have to wait to heat water on the fly its going to have hot water instantly to quickly heat the house. Here is the youtube link that you will be able to see the setup process and the first firing up the new motor here is the link to the YouTube website where you can see the first set up an startup process of the new pump. www.youtube.com/user/pjckac1/videos The first test Run was hot water tank heating the house only 11-1-2013

Cooking With HHO Gas And Hexane Liquid Fuel Vapors
Published on Aug 13, 2013
Cooking EGGS With HHO Gas And Hexane Liquid Fuel Vapors 8-12-2013.
Warning to not do this demonstration unless you have experience dealing with HHO gas and have the proper safeties intact in case of flashback. This demonstration was to show the possibilities of using HHO gas along with a flammable liquid allowing it to work more like natural gas or propane. Our future purposes of mixing HHO gas and a flammable liquid is to one day change the properties of the oxygen present reducing the flashback risk. Once the oxygen properties have been changed and altered the scientific studies and lab testing one day we should be able to make our own fuel and stored for future use without having the oxygen present while producing HHO gas. If the oxygen is present with the right combination of liquid fuel should be able to change the properties of the oxygen molecule to make it less reactive ornot reactive at all. We invite and encourage people to get involved that have a chemistry background to figure out the best combination of HHO gas and liquid fuel. May this video be the video that encourages a chemist to work with individuals that are producing HHO gas to find the best combination of liquid fuel to bond with HHO gas one day for compressed container storage. We recommend no one store HHO gas ever. One day we will have HHO gas and a liquid fuel combination compressed in storage tank. Untill that day to be safe make the gas on-demand never store.
Published on Aug 13, 2013
Cooking EGGS With HHO Gas And Hexane Liquid Fuel Vapors 8-12-2013.
Warning to not do this demonstration unless you have experience dealing with HHO gas and have the proper safeties intact in case of flashback. This demonstration was to show the possibilities of using HHO gas along with a flammable liquid allowing it to work more like natural gas or propane. Our future purposes of mixing HHO gas and a flammable liquid is to one day change the properties of the oxygen present reducing the flashback risk. Once the oxygen properties have been changed and altered the scientific studies and lab testing one day we should be able to make our own fuel and stored for future use without having the oxygen present while producing HHO gas. If the oxygen is present with the right combination of liquid fuel should be able to change the properties of the oxygen molecule to make it less reactive ornot reactive at all. We invite and encourage people to get involved that have a chemistry background to figure out the best combination of HHO gas and liquid fuel. May this video be the video that encourages a chemist to work with individuals that are producing HHO gas to find the best combination of liquid fuel to bond with HHO gas one day for compressed container storage. We recommend no one store HHO gas ever. One day we will have HHO gas and a liquid fuel combination compressed in storage tank. Untill that day to be safe make the gas on-demand never store.

"Flashback Test" HHO Gas, Hexane, Coleman Camping Fuel - Open Hose Burner Balloon Test 8-5-2013
Published on Aug 8, 2013
HHO Gas, Hexane, Coleman Camping Fuel - Open Hose Burner Balloon Test 8-5-2013
We are looking at all possibilities of getting the correct HHO gas and liquid fuel to work correctly on cooking stoves and supplement the automobile fuel. With our experiment with the hexane without any scientific study the oxygen present in the hose may have changed its molecule structure reducing the presence of oxygen that creates high flashbacks dangers. We are still doing studies and will be doing many other studies with different flammable liquids with HHO gas that may one day be stored in storage container safely changing the structure of the oxygen molecule. We highly encourage others to safely experiment with flashback arrestors if they are interested in performing similar experiments. We offer flashback arrestors that we make personally and we offer commercial grade flashback arrestors for commercial applications that work with HHO gas with a combination of gases all in one single line that work all the time not sometimes like other flashback arrestors do. As you seen in our other demonstrations running engines you have seen and heard flashbacks with HHO gas and a flammable liquid in the same delivery line to the engine. The flashback arrestor safely stop the flashback as they were manufacture to do. Our goal is to reduce our bondage on oil and the utilities sucking every family dry worldwide. Open source technology is the only way we the people can stand up and say a enough is enough. Do not put patents on products because it is a waste the time and money because I can circumvent any patent by holding a class with hundreds of people assembling their own product and when the class is completed they have complete finish product they put together on their own that circumvents selling a product that is completed. That's a loophole in patents. You cannot stop the do-it-yourselfers but you can stop the person selling the finished product so don't waste your money on patents. Reach the world with open source technology and massively get a product that works out on the market and hold classes that people pay to be instructed to assemble their own product that actually works with all materials part provided. My entire life I have always said if there is a will there is a way amd to circumvent anything that someone says you can't do.
Published on Aug 8, 2013
HHO Gas, Hexane, Coleman Camping Fuel - Open Hose Burner Balloon Test 8-5-2013
We are looking at all possibilities of getting the correct HHO gas and liquid fuel to work correctly on cooking stoves and supplement the automobile fuel. With our experiment with the hexane without any scientific study the oxygen present in the hose may have changed its molecule structure reducing the presence of oxygen that creates high flashbacks dangers. We are still doing studies and will be doing many other studies with different flammable liquids with HHO gas that may one day be stored in storage container safely changing the structure of the oxygen molecule. We highly encourage others to safely experiment with flashback arrestors if they are interested in performing similar experiments. We offer flashback arrestors that we make personally and we offer commercial grade flashback arrestors for commercial applications that work with HHO gas with a combination of gases all in one single line that work all the time not sometimes like other flashback arrestors do. As you seen in our other demonstrations running engines you have seen and heard flashbacks with HHO gas and a flammable liquid in the same delivery line to the engine. The flashback arrestor safely stop the flashback as they were manufacture to do. Our goal is to reduce our bondage on oil and the utilities sucking every family dry worldwide. Open source technology is the only way we the people can stand up and say a enough is enough. Do not put patents on products because it is a waste the time and money because I can circumvent any patent by holding a class with hundreds of people assembling their own product and when the class is completed they have complete finish product they put together on their own that circumvents selling a product that is completed. That's a loophole in patents. You cannot stop the do-it-yourselfers but you can stop the person selling the finished product so don't waste your money on patents. Reach the world with open source technology and massively get a product that works out on the market and hold classes that people pay to be instructed to assemble their own product that actually works with all materials part provided. My entire life I have always said if there is a will there is a way amd to circumvent anything that someone says you can't do.

Professional HHO Gas Machine With HHO Gas-Coleman Mix Fuel =Log Splitter Bearing And Race Removal
Published on Aug 2, 2013
Published on Aug 2, 2013

Extreme HHO Gas Explosions Seagull Removal 4-29-2013
Published on Jun 3, 2013
Extreme HHO Gas Explosions Seagull Removal 4-29-2013
Published on Jun 3, 2013
Extreme HHO Gas Explosions Seagull Removal 4-29-2013

HHO Gas Explosion and Implosion
Uploaded on May 16, 2009 by hgfrind
Here you can see HHO Explosion and Implosion.
Uploaded on May 16, 2009 by hgfrind
Here you can see HHO Explosion and Implosion.